TransPlan50 is the regional transportation plan for Utah County. The Projects and programs proposed within the plan are a coordinated system of capital-intensive roadway projects, transit improvements, and pedestrian/bicycle facilities needed by 2050. Utah County is projected to double its population by 1.2 million people by 2050. The TransPlan50 attempts to address this growth while minimizing impacts on society and the environment while providing for enough capacity and transportation choices to ensure the region's economy continues to flourish.
Learn more about the plan and how it helps our region move and our economy grow
VIEW PLANPlan Technical Appendices
A-Transportation Network Travel DemandB-Environmental Impacts and HazardsC-Transportation System PerformanceD-Transportation System PreservationE-Active Transportation NetworkF-Financial PlanReports, Amendments, and Plan Download
Air Quality Determination ReportAmendmentsPlan Development ProcessFull Plan (.zip download)Shawn Eliot
Transportation Director
Kendall Willardson
Transportation Planner