RTP 2023 - Goal 4 | MAG

Goal 4

Connected Active Transportation System

Create a regional network of active transportation (bicycle and pedestrian) facilities to provide safer alternatives for people to commute and recreate.

Active Transportation Project Development

Utah County leaders have acknowledged active transportation as integral to improving air quality, reducing congestion, and reducing travel costs. As Utah County grows and urbanizes, the need and demand for multi-use paths, neighborhood connections, on-street bike lanes, sidewalks, and pedestrian-friendly development increases. Walking and biking are viable alternatives to driving for short trips, typically under two miles. For longer trips, connections to transit are vital. TransPlan50 identifies a network that connects population and employment centers based on projected densities through 2050.

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Stakeholder and Public Outreach

Needed Projects Costs & Funding Availability

While major highway and transit facility construction consumes most transportation dollars, bicycle and pedestrian access are low-cost and low-impact improvements to a truly multi-modal transportation system. Initial construction costs are low, especially where facilities are included in the design and construction of highway projects, typically less than 5% of the roadway project costs. The bike/pedestrian system aims to reduce vehicle trips and mitigate traffic congestion. Active transportation projects proposed in TransPlan50 are based mainly on adopted municipal bike/pedestrian plans.

Active Transportation Maps

Needed & Fiscally constrained Projects

These maps show all the active transportation projects planned in TransPlan50. All projects are fiscally constrained but not always in the phase they are needed.

Slide between the left map, which shows projects by needed phase, and the right, which shows when funding is planned to be available.

Article Tags: TLG, TransPlan50, Goal-4, RTP-2023