MAG selects and funds regional transportation projects for our communities and other transportation partners within the Provo/Orem urban area. We are pleased to announce the commencement of the 2022 MPO Project Selection Process. The process starts with a project idea, moves to concept, MAG staff conducts a technical review, followed by a field review, and ending with the creation of a project priority list.
Eligible projects include:
If you have questions, please contact Bob Allen.
Road projects must be on the state functional class map and all projects must be listed or supported in the regional transportation plan TransPlan50. All capacity projects must come from municipal transportation or agency plans.
The first step to obtain MPO transportation funding is to complete a draft Project Idea Application, review it with MPO staff, and present your idea to the MPO Technical Advisory Committee (MPO TAC). This step includes submitting supporting maps, diagrams, charts, etc.
The final idea application must be signed by a leader (mayor, county commissioner, agency director) and have proof that the project is either supported by your general plan or have a signed letter by the legislative body leadership (city council, county commission, or agency director).
Once reviewed and scored by MPO staff, the MPO TAC will be presented the results for their feedback. The project idea report must be completed and scored to move to the Concept Report Stage.
The next step to obtain MAG transportation funding is to complete a Concept Application. This report is more technical than the Project Idea report and can be time consuming. Sponsors of projects not scoring high in the Project Idea phase should weigh the time and costs associated with this report before proceeding. Some sponsors hire outside help to complete the Concept Report.
The application includes a detailed description, purpose and need, benefits such as congestion, number of users, air quality, as well as a detailed cost estimate.
The UDOT Cost Estimate Tools must be used for highway, trails, and other construction projects. Once on the website download the Concept Cost Estimate Excel Spreadsheet. Sponsors can use other estimation tools for projects that the UDOT spreadsheet is not set up to cost (equipment, studies, etc.). Please turn in your work of how your estimate work was done.
Please note, the cost estimating tool produces estimates for federal and state projects. Local project cost on average 15% less. If a project is awarded MAG local funding (UT Co. Sales Transportation Tax and MAG Exchange) the total project award will be discounted by 15%.
MAG reviews reports and cost estimates for accuracy, circles back to the sponsor for any questions or changes. Next, MPO staff reviews the final applications to give each project a technical score. The scoring is based on 5 criteria clearly outlined in the Concept Application:
Once completed, a listing of the project scores will be posted to the link above. Fifty percent of the Technical Review score is weighed toward creating the final Project Priority List.
MPO TAC and staff completes a field review of all projects with project sponsors presenting and answering questions.
The Field Review Packet above contains a copy of each final Project Idea application and MAG Project Idea ranking, the Concept applications and the Technical Review scores, and the itinerary for the day. Depending on the amount of projects, the Field Review could take one to two days.
Project sponsors are required to be present to present their projects and answer questions.