Connecting Utah Roads Benefits | MAG
  All MAG Offices will be closed starting Thursday, July 4 and reopening Monday, July 8.


Benefits of  Regional Grid System

A functional regional transportation system offers enough roadways to alleviate congestion and improve travel times.

Mobility & Connectivity

Good street connectivity redistributes traffic providing more options and better accessibility for all modes, particularly cars.

  • More direct routes generate fewer vehicle miles traveled (VMT) than conventional suburban networks by allowing travelers to choose alternate, often more direct, routes to destinations.
  • This reduction in travel delay provides a layer of convenience to users by allowing them to avoid potential hazards, such as construction or congestion, and increases reliability of the network overall.

  • We don’t have enough arterials and continuous collectors in the network
  • We expect too much from these roads and they are overburdened
  • End piece:
    • How you can use the mapping tool to see these benefits in your area


A well-connected network offers better safety for all users and enhances the community’s overall health compared to a system with less connectivity.​

  • By providing the correct combination of arterials and collectors, you are able to keep vehicles with higher travel speeds on regional roads that are designed for that purpose.

  • Similarly, local traffic is free to utilize smaller local roadways for their intended purpose without the added congestion and increased risk of collision that comes with mixing travel types.

A redundancy in the network improves safety through a reduction in response time for emergency medical services (EMS) vehicles by shortening the physical distance emergency responders must travel.

  • Some studies have shown that connectivity improvements alone have saved cities from having to build a new fire station by increasing the area one fire station could cover by reducing travel times. (Saratoga Springs Case Study)

  • If we do include this, let’s make sure we have a case study for each benefit

  • Improved EMS access (by providing multiple routes, the ability to bypass delay, speeding up response time)
  • Alternate routes – spreads out traffic and reduces conflict point
  • Local can stay local / reduce the “mix use” roads

Economic Vitality

Gridded networks are good for job growth, property values, and market accessibility.

  • With greater connectivity comes increased access to the local and regional economy.

  • Creating connections that increase access options to local business draw regional visitors stimulating the economy of the area.

On a regional level, improved connectivity reduces travel times, resulting in something called market accessibility.

  • Market accessibility estimates how accessible jobs, services, and education are to households. Good market accessibility is good for business, creating a stronger draw for both employees and employers.

  • Increased access = increase economic vitality
  • The mapping tool will let you see “X number of homes can access this business with the improved connections from the gridded network”