Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy | MAG
  All MAG Offices will be closed starting Thursday, July 4 and reopening Monday, July 8.


The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a place-based plan for regional economic development, designed to build local capacity and guide the economic prosperity and resiliency of Summit, Utah, and Wasatch counties.

About the CEDS

The CEDS is a document prepared every five years for the Mountainland region, which includes all communities in Summit, Utah, and Wasatch counties. The CEDS allows hundreds of partners throughout the region to align around shared priorities in an effort to increase economic prosperity and quality of life. In addition to providing a summary background of the region, the CEDS identifies needs, actions necessary to address those needs, and organizations with the ability to lead those actions. The plan is created according to standards set by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, and it serves as a vital tool in accessing federal funds for development projects. 

View detailed information about the CEDS and its formation here.

Role of the CEDS

Educate - The CEDS is used to engage elected officials, business leaders, and community stakeholders to help amplify the regional vision and build consensus around shared priorities.

Invest - The CEDS is used to increase investment in the region by identifying data, rationale, and potential partnerships that can be leveraged in the solicitation of state and federal funding.

Collaborate - The CEDS is used to engage officials and organizations within the Mountainland region to break down silos and amplify success in shared economic development work.

Our Approach

SWOT Analysis - Through interviews, community surveys, and stakeholder engagement sessions, the CEDS identifies top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in the Mountainland region. This analysis forms the basis of CEDS recommendations.

Priorities for Growth - Based on findings from the SWOT analysis, the CEDS identifies strategies for growth that are grounded in four of the region’s most significant focus areas: transportation, natural resources, livability, and regional collaboration. In each of these focus areas, the CEDS presents recommendations to MAG, local municipalities, and regional partners on potential paths for increased economic prosperity and resiliency.

Article Tags: economic-development, ceds