The Vision

What is the American Fork Canyon Vision?Picture2

  • A new study of Canyon use and needs.
  • A careful balance between the Canyon’s different systems.
  • A common vision integrating Federal, State, and Local Planning.

Over the next year, we will collaborate with residents and stakeholders to conduct visioning for the Canyon, which is experiencing growing use and pressure every year.  This process provides the opportunity to address new opportunities, challenges, and ideas for the Canyon’s future.  The process will identify goals and principles to guide future decisions, and will detail policies and strategies for how future objectives for the Canyon can be realized. All of this will be carried forward in a formal Vision Document, including an implementation strategy and action plan for short-term (12 months), mid-term (5 years), and long-term (10+ years).

Why are we doing the AFC Vision now?

Many government entities have a planning role or interest in American Fork Canyon.  The different plans, goals, and needs of these entities have never been considered together or organized comprehensively. The AFC Vision will, for the first time ever, plan not in the context of each government agency, but in the context of the whole canyon.  The vision process will engage the canyon users, agencies with jurisdiction, and stakeholders in an effort focused on enhancing and guiding uses, activities, and investments for American Fork Canyon’s future.